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Team Wine and Paint Event


Paint and have fun together

Are you looking for something fun to do together as a team?

Look no further. Painting together is a fun experience where you get time to be creative together, relax, talk, and bond as you are creating a masterpiece.

The team wine and paint event can be held onsite at your office, at one of the beautiful locations we collaborate with in Amsterdam, outside, or at a venue you prefer. It is a two-hour event where all the materials you need are provided.

Painting instructions are part of the event. You learn some interesting tricks of the trade, and at the end of the event, you have some beautiful paintings that you can take home or decorate your office with.Some teams also take the opportunity to make a big painting together.

Painting together helps us bond and see new sides of each other. Painting is a very relaxing activity that helps conversations flow and opens our minds to new ideas.

Experience what a team-building paint event can do for your team. Book a call to talk about the details or send an email to"

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